Field Crop Tour
Join Meghan for a “virtual photo tour” of a season in the veggie field:

Sanitizing knives and totes prior to harvest.

Bunching Mustard Greens

Bunching Kale

Bunching Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Bunching Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Harvesting baby chard for salad mix.

Harvesting baby kale for salad mix.

Harvesting lettuce for salad mix.

Zucchini, Patty Pan, and Crookneck.

Patty Pan!

3 months after planting, the summer squash harvest is just starting to slow down.


Patty Pan


Hunting for hidden cukes.

Harvesting red onions for fresh bunching.

Bunching the red onions.

Sweet onion bunches.

A heron hunts in the veggies.

The heron caught a mole on the compost pile. Thanks for helping get rid of pests!

Greenhouse Tour
Join Meghan for a “virtual photo tour” of a season in the greenhouse:

Meghan grows mainly tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse. She trellises her indeterminate tomatoes up two lines of string to the top of the frame.

Attaching the strings to the plants.

Wrapping each leader (branch) around the trellis string.

Three months later…

In order to encourage fruit production, Meghan prunes all the suckers off her tomatoes, wrapping just two main leaders around the trellis string.


Bell Peppers

Flower Field Tour
Join Meghan for a “virtual photo tour” of a day in the flower field:
Photography by Andrew Wiese (